Browsing Category: Being Me

You are valued.

There is no quick answer…culturally we always comment and flatter females for how they look, very rarely acknowledging their work and efforts.

Two years ago I was down to 178 lbs, weigh lifting for 30 minutes 7 days a week, walking 3 miles 7 days a week, watching everything I ate, and it showed.

I had NEVER been that in shape in my LIFE…EVER! And it was fantastic! It was fantastic to hear how great I looked, how toned my arms were, how great my butt looked. It was like a first hit of a drug.

But it was unsustainable. The physical, the eating, the constant craving for affirmation that I looked good, was desirable, and was VALUED because of it.

Out of 38 years in my life during only 1 of them have I felt valued and seen and appreciated by society. That year.

2020 I’m 25 lbs heavier, I don’t weight lift at all, walking doesn’t do anything for my pant size or weight, and I’m constantly going back and forth between eating right and eating what feels good.

I berate myself that I let myself go, that I put all that work in, had promised myself to NEVER go back there (I even got rid of “those clothes”) …and I did. I “failed” myself.

This year should be a lesson to all of us that we all fail, we all struggle, that things are freakin’ hard on the regular for most of us.

But the takeaway from that lesson is that we need to do better at valuing those around us for who they are, not just what they look like, and I don’t mean just empty platitudes, but actual intentional words of affirmation.

Get Back Up….again

And again. And Again. Ad Nauseum.

I often feel like a failure when I’ve managed to do something well in the past, but picking it back up again is a struggle. Why can’t things just STAY DONE?!

My weight, and exercising, is no different.

Today is 9 months since my surgery. I walked a grand total of 76 miles last year, the majority of it was BEFORE surgery. In 2018 I had walked 569.8 miles. I failed….miserably.

Of course there are all the excuses, all the reasons and justifications WHY I just didn’t, and they’re all very real and valid, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve gone almost a full year without walking regularly and weightlifting.

This year we have 3 weddings, including my sister’s. There are big birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate. Lots of picture opportunities. I don’t want to be where I am now in them.

A year ago, I LOVED, LOVED, my arms and my back. They were strong and toned. There was no fly-away. There was no flab. I am not comfortable wearing any dresses right now.

But here’s the problem. I’m not sure I’m ready to do this.

I am a different person now than I was 18 months ago; neither is better or worse, just different. It’s an entirely different head-space to be in, to focus on your body and exercise and what you physically look like. And for me, I don’t know how to do that in a way different than I did before.

I have to go back to being a very selfish person.

I have to go back to being seen, putting myself out there, in a way exposing myself, because for me I THRIVE on getting feedback about the changes. I love the comments on how my body is changing, getting stronger, leaner.

While I do have to do this for myself, it’s very hard for me to do this and not become overly focused on how I look.

I change….how I dress, how I think, how I act, what music I listen to. And while I like the results, I don’t love the work to get there.

Here I go anyways…


  • Walk every day, at least 1.5 miles or 30 minutes
  • Drink 4 – 32 ounce waters a day
  • Have a Protein Shake or THM S Breakfast (FP Oats or Eggs)
  • Salad or FP Cracker Sandwich for Lunch
  • STOP SNACKING when the kids get home from school
  • Weight lift on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (while Peter’s at school) and on Saturday


  • Get down to 165lbs (Starting Weight 194.4lbs)
  • Knees not hurting when walking up the stairs
  • Arms not jiggling when I brush my teeth
  • Not feeling so exhausted all the time
  • Feeling proud and comfortable in my body, with and without clothes

Stats and Measurements