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Curious Faith {a Review}

This book came out in 2016, it was one that I immediately pre-ordered and then it sat on my shelf. I wanted to sit and savor, to really enjoy this book, but in that moment life was burning and I was crashing.

I finally picked it up this week. MAN! What is it about picking up just the right book at just the right time?!

First off, if you have read this book before, I suggest re-reading it in light of the current pandemic situation: So BEYOND relevant, particularly chapters 5-6.

I first “met” Logan at the 2012 Allume conference, and had been following her blog for sometime, “Enjoying Life for Dessert”. I loved her bright sparkly personality, and absolute joy and zest for life. I still do!

Logan does a fantastic job of speaking to those of us who are “less holy” than others. Those who get angry at God, who are willing to wrestle with Him, and not be ashamed when they throw a few curse words around. She meets those of us who have big feelings and big struggles with God, without being sanctimonious.

She addresses throughout the book what it means to have a Curious Faith, to not allow ourselves to become stagnant and complacent, guided by fear and worry, but to continually seek God in such a way that allows us to see fresh His movement in our lives, as well as our ability to move in Him growing constantly.

I can’t recommend this book enough

What I’ve Been Reading – February 2020

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(F – Fiction, NF – Non-Fiction, A – Audiobook)


It’s a tie between The Printed Letter Bookshop and The War that Saved My Life/The War I Finally Won. They both appeased very different parts of me.

The Printed Letter Bookshop I thoroughly enjoyed for it’s realism, the complexity of life and all the relationships we become a part of, willingly and unwillingly. You can read my full review on instagram.

Brubaker Bradley’s books were a different read entirely for me; they’re Historical Fiction, as well as written for middle grades. The author did not allow the fact that these books were written for middle grade detract from the story being told or it’s raw truth and emotion.

She embraced it whole-heartedly and through it created an absolutely astounding cast of characters. Opening the harsh realities of life to younger readers, without the desolation and loss of hope that can come from it.


Not many choices, but even if there were I would still endorse The Read-Aloud Family 100%! Reading is important to me, raising a family of readers is important to me, and while that isn’t completely under my control I can do my best to give my children the environment and resources they need to LOVE reading.

Mackenzie’s book does a fantastic job of not only giving you the books you need to light your children’s reading fire, but also the information as to HOW to do it and WHY it’s so important.


Last Christmas in Paris. I don’t know why. This should’ve been a book that I LOVED, but I didn’t. It was a collection of letters, which is fine, BUT I was more than halfway through the book before the author made me CARE about the characters.

Maybe if I had been in a different head-space I would’ve liked it better. The story overall was one that I loved, but the writing left me wanting.

What have you been reading?

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