Browsing Category: What I’ve Been Reading

What I’ve Been Reading – November 2019


Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk was my favorite. I had to read if the my Literature for Children course for grad school, but it had all of the aspects of a book that I love.

Here’s the project I had to do for Wolf Hollow:


Trust Redefined by Rachel Williams….you can read my entire review of it HERE.

Least Favorite

City of Girls…hated it! HATED! IT! I really wanted to like it. I’ve loved Gilbert’s other works, but this one was so meh. Here’s the review I left on GoodReads…

Page 330…that’s when it finally became something more than a 1 dimensional list of shallowness, hedonism, and debauchery….and I am no prude!

The entire story dragged on with very little growth or development, or really any plot. Even after it actually had some gumption it was still so random and hodge-podge.

I had really hoped to love this book, and except for a few quotes and lines, the entire thing left me flat and disappointed.

Some reviews likened it to the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo…not by a long shot, not for me. Loved 7HEH…this was a poor imitation.

What have you been reading? What is your favorite book of 2019?

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What I’ve Been Reading – August 2019

I’ve had a problem this summer…I’ve had a run on library books. There were a handful that sounded good at the beginning of the summer, and it’s just snowballed from there. At one point I think I had over 10 books checked out. Of course, spending much of May and June convalescing certainly helped my ability to read through so many books.


I really enjoyed The Gown by Jennifer Robson. The story was interesting and well written.


The Middle Matters by Lisa-Jo Baker…hands down.

Least Favorite Book

The Broken Way….and not that it was bad. I have had this book on my shelf for years and forced myself through it. It didn’t grab me the way One Thousand Gifts did. I ended up tag teaming the hardcopy with the audio just to get through it.

Don’t get me wrong, there were some beautifully worded pieces and sections that hit me…but it was a struggle.

What have you been reading?

Keep up with what I’ve been reading on GoodReads or Instagram 

(I’ve notated books I’ve read for my book club * and F for Fiction, NF for Non-Fiction, and A if it was an Audiobook).

*This post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure policy here.