Welcome to 31 Days of Pursuing Your Husband! I’m so excited you’re here! On my old blog {LifeintheWhiteHouse.com} one of my most popular posts was about little ways that one could pursue their husbands: Simple, daily things that we could say or do that would restore our husbands to a place of priority in our lives.
I honestly wasn’t going to do 31 Days this year, but then it became very obvious to me that I needed to do this series for ME. That’s right for me. I certainly consider myself to be no authority on this topic, but I am intent on becoming more intentional in my marriage and my relationship with my husband.
We’ve always had a fantastic relationship {we started dating a few months shy of my 18th birthday}, and while we didn’t take that for guaranteed we never had to really work at it…it came easily to us. Somethings happened over the past few years though: We dealt with infertility, we had our daughter, then had our triplets, then moved into my in-laws’ basement while doing massive home renovations, then we had our 5th child, all while trying to live our daily life, and now starting a new business. It’s been a crazy ride.
During all that time, it’s during the past year that our marriage has suffered the most. We didn’t so much drift apart as we did just stand back to back dealing with the every day onslaught, knowing the other one was there, but not having a moment to turn around and actually SEE each other. We knew the other had our back, but we knew they were busy with their responsibilities and we stopped confiding in each other, stopped “bothering” the other with our daily stuff {for lack of a better word}, and it became really lonely. {Word of advice…never stop bothering each other with life. It’s what your spouse is there for}.
I’m not promising that this series is going to fix everything in your marriage. It’s not, but I am hoping it’s a good place to start. There’s going to be homework, there are going to be hard things to think about, hard questions to ask and answer, but my prayer is that all of this helps you {and your husband} at the very least to communicate better, to be on the road to a better relationship.
Now. Before you think you have the perfect marriage and there’s nothing here for you, don’t worry…there is. Throughout this series I will be sprinkling ideas for you to love your husband well, even when life is crazy-busy and you don’t have a ton of time.
Let’s begin…
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*Find more posts from this series here: Pursuing Your Husband.
We’re in a crazy busy season right now–and probably the toughest one we’ve faced together–continuing to make marriage a priority is so important! Thanks for writing on this!
It is absolutely important! Next to our time with God {which I know I let slip when I’m busy}, time with our husband NEEDS to be our next priority. It’s so easy to put it on the back-burner, telling ourselves that they will still be there when things settle down…but they may not {on whatever level}. Praying for you and your husband during this season of your marriage.
It’s like someone read my mind and wanted to help me by writing a series. I definitely want to be intentional in how I love my husband and I’d secretly committed to doing that each day this month. Now your series is gonna be my reference 🙂 Thank you so much, I will follow along!
I’m so thankful to have you here. I’m praying that what God gives me to say is just what you need to hear! At anytime feel free to email me 🙂
Jess.White05 at gmail dot com