Recommended Reads for Rediscovering Your Husband

Pursuing your Husband 31 Days of Tips, Tricks, Prayers, How Tos, & Why Tos to Build a More Intentional Passion with Your Husband

This week we’ve talked about learning what our husband’s love language is, asking questions of them, and putting all of this into action so that we are better able and better equipped to love our husbands in a way that they will actually feel loved. Over the past few weeks of my own pursuit of my husband I’ve come across  several really good sources of information, I’m going to list them all below {and relist some of the others I’ve already mentioned}.

If you have any recommendations please feel free to add them in the comments.

Feel free to follow my Marriage board on Pinterest! 31 Days of Pursuing Your Husband


*Find more posts from this series here: Pursuing Your Husband.


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