For the past 18 1/2 months I’ve spent a significant amount of time washing, filling, and feeding bottles. That time is no more.
A part of me is saddened that my little 5lb babies no longer exist…wait who am I kidding. I’m totally missing those little peanuts, even though I’m madly in love with these crazy 18 month olds. There’s not much more that says “Baby” than bottles though.
With Ave we kept doing the bottles until around 22 months or so, because I enjoyed the time, holding her, snuggling her {it was the only time she would sit still}. As with Ave the babies were only getting a bottle before naps and bed time, so it was already limited in frequency.
We’ve always used glass bottles, but somehow managed to acquire quite the collection of assorted bottles. Never knowing whether a certainly bottle would or would not have worked, we had some variety. Most of these sat in our cabinet, taking up valuable real estate, never being used. We had the same 6 glass Evenflo Classic bottles all the time. Of course with glass there is always breakage. I joked that we would have to wean them off bottles, because I had broken so many the past month or so.
Last week I decided to give them a sippy cup with their milk at nap time. And they were amenable to that. Then at bedtime: They accepted it. Hmm. Was this going to work? So far, after a week it has. I packed up all the bottles Saturday and put them in the newborn box in the attic.
Now comes the tricky part, weaning them off the sleepy time milk. The end of this week I’ll start watering down the milk, and then over the next few weeks or so, we’ll keep watering until it’s…well, water. We’ll see how it goes.