Tag Archives: Faith

A Body Worth Loving {coming to terms with the postpartum body}

Coming to terms with the postpartum body doesn’t come as naturally as it should. Awhile ago, Lisa-Jo Baker posted about loving your post-baby body for the sake of your children, especially daughters. Lisa-Jo responded to my comment saying:

“TRIPLETS??? Girl, your body deserves a medal. You should break out into song every time you see it in the mirror. Your body is a HERO!!! Give it something delicious right now. For reals.”

And I do.

I think quite frequently about my body and what it accomplished. That my body was just the way God designed it to be, for these three precious babies to have been born as healthy and as big as they were, despite being 6 weeks early; to have been able to avoid having a c-section.

I look at my stretch marks that go well above my belly button and the skin that hangs below where it should definitely have stopped, and I’m in awe of it. That these three babies were cradled in there for months. That these babies were born with no health issues, despite having been sharing a womb with 2 others.

Then I look at my body the way the world does, the way we all judge ourselves: I see a flabby stomach, that still looks like there could be a baby in there when dressed; I see arms that are much too soft, particularly for lugging 4 kids around all day (at 14, 18, 19, and 30 lbs each); I see thighs that rub and have their own tributaries of stretch marks, without thinking that those legs are strong and able to run after these kids, up and down stairs countless times a day.

A Body worth loving coming to terms with the postpartum body

I think to myself, “You weigh the same now as you did just before these three kids were born” and I hang my head in shame. Knowing that an over abundance of cookie dough, avocados and cheese, and a lack of true exercise are the cause of it.

I waver, back and forth, between loving this body that has brought forth life 4 times in 2 pregnancies, and despising the “curves” that I have yet to figure out how to dress in a flattering way. When I figure out how to love this body 24/7 I’ll let you know, but I somehow think it’s going to involve a lot more time with God and a pair of sneakers.

a Simple Christmas

This year I just don’t have it in me. I’m not even sure why, but the whole idea of hours of baking and decorating and getting the house Christmas-ified is just daunting. I’m excited for Christmas, but the Christmas I’m excited about is a quiet, small
Christmas…a Christmas that’s more about a barn than bedlam.

So what am I doing for Christmas?a Simple Christmas @JessicaMWhite.com

We got our tree this past Sunday and I put it up with lights on Monday, during nap time. We’ve hung one paper ornament on it and I’m not sure how much more will go on it. The tree is beautiful as it is. Our nativity is up, and so are the stockings. My village isn’t making the trek to the piano this year {it would be way too much work to keep James and Elanor away from it}.

I don’t want our Christmas to be a season of “No! Don’t touch! We look with our eyes, not our hands.” I want it to be a season of love and gentleness, a season of exploring, without the fear of breaking some thing. We have 3 two year olds this Christmas, you can imagine the exploration that will be going on!

We’re sticking with our 3 gifts policy: A book, a gift from Santa, and a gift from Mommy and Daddy. Matt and I even have taken a restricted policy on gifting between us, not because the budget is tight {whose isn’t?!}, but because there isn’t anything we need or want badly enough. There’s no point in buying a gift just because you have to buy something.

I’m only baking 5 or 6 types of Christmas cookie, instead of my usual 12 or 13. The idea of hours in the kitchen, getting frustrated with little hands that want to help, just doesn’t make that appealing to me. All of the cookies that I bake, will more than likely be hand-delivered to our neighbors over the next few weeks.

Christmas cards? Yes, I’ll do those, but only because I absolutely love sending and receiving Christmas cards {want me to send you one?} Christmas lights outside? I have candles in the window, does that count?

As for the tree….we’ll see what happens. We may just end up with our Truth in the Tinsel ornaments on there, and the ornaments that came with The Greatest Gift. And you know what, I think I’m ok with that.